Manifesto Learning

The video below is regarding our ASL program and lab at Baylor University, where I want students to be more productive, innovated, and resourceful. We have been experiencing an issue for many years that still remains unresolved. The educational software we purchased for the lab occasionally hinders the students’ ability to complete the task at hand. The software, Digital Language Lab, allows the students to practice expressive and receptive skills and complete tests posted by the instructors. We have directed the software to automatically save all of the expressive recordings as a video file. Overall, the program is fantastic, but it randomly converts the video files to audio, which corrupts the file. When this happens, students completely lose their expressive recordings. Often their best attempts are corrupted and they have to redo the assignment, which is unfair to the students. Can software be like humans and make mistakes? Are there any programs such as a quality assurance certification system, possibly through a third-party certification organization that can verify the quality before we purchase software? I am hopeful that in the future an organization, such as the U.S. Department of Education, can offer this kind of certification.


Larry’s Blog